Mar 18, 2024
God made us from the dirt. Is that why everything we touch is soiled?
The Bible says creation is important to God, so how do we, as His image bearers, think about care for creation? What does work, service, and worship look like in relation to creation? Does Ron hate animals? Tune in this week to find out!
Nov 27, 2023
We suffer through back pain, migraine, and Sams’s sarcasm to bring you today’s episode on evangelism in the NT. Who was the first evangelist and to whom and how was the message proclaimed? What does it look like today for our evangelism to be accompanied by signs? The Kingdom of God has broken into world history....
Jun 26, 2023
In part two of our bad press miniseries: How should Christians respond to bad press about the brothers and sisters in the faith who are doing wrong? How do we persevere through bad press without growing weary? Can you love God and not love Christians?
Tune in this week to hear a perspective on how Christians can...
Jun 19, 2023
New office, new studio, new episode, same podcast!
This week the guys engage the important topic of bad press. How do we respond when Christians are on the receiving end of bad press for something they have done? What guiding principles do we have to deal with ‘The Media’ which often lies or at best paints...