May 31, 2021
The book of Revelation is on stage this week as the After Class guys wrap up their discussion of apocalyptic literature. As we discovered last week with Daniel, history is key to our understanding and interpretation. Apocalyptic texts have a message of radical faithfulness for the church and if we cut the strings to the...
May 24, 2021
This week the After Class guys walk through relevant sections of Daniel to demonstrate the process for deciphering, interpreting, and understanding apocalyptic literature. You might be surprised to know the process leans more heavily on understanding historical events rather than future ones.
May 17, 2021
This week the guys (aka..... ACP) focus on the last remaining biblical genre - apocalypse. This discussion will be covered in multiple doses as apocalyptic literature is complicated and tends to be abused more than any other genre. Thankfully it has its own rules and conventions, just like every other genre, to aid us...
May 10, 2021
Hey ACP listeners, this week we're diving into biblical letters. How did their unique voice function in the early church and how should we read and understand their situation-specific teachings? We would love to have you join and interact with the discussion.
May 3, 2021
Wisdom literature has unique characteristics when compared to other biblical genres: no mention of Torah, no specific commands from God, no mention of God's work in salvation history, etc. This week the guys define biblical Wisdom and explain how to understand it in light of its intended function.