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Oct 28, 2019

Our discussion of women in the Bible turns to specific instructions about women, specifically instructions to husbands and wives about how they should treat one another. We begin by discussing Paul's directions found in 1 Corinthians 7 and then deal with 1 Peter 3:1-7. 

Oct 21, 2019

We take a break from our "Women in the Bible" series to highlight a presentation given by Ron (long haired guy in the middle of the logo). For our Restoration Appreciation Week here at GLCC Ron discussed the future of higher education in Christian Colleges. We unpack some of his ideas and press him on a few of...

Oct 14, 2019

As the study on women in the Bible continues, this episode is dedicated to Acts and Romans to determine how the text viewed women as well as what role women played in the early church. 


Acts 2:14-21, 16:11-15, 21:9, 18:26 

Romans 16

Oct 7, 2019

As the guys continue their series on women, they discuss the nature of power dynamics and how Jesus, through the Kingdom, has leveled the playing field.