Feb 22, 2021
The guys dive into the topic of canonization this week. How did we get the Bible and all 66 books as we have them? Who decided which writings made it in and which writings were relegated as merely interesting, but not inspired Scripture? Can we trust that process? The guys share what we know for sure and discuss some...
Feb 15, 2021
Ever wonder how we got the Bible as we have it? This week the guys discuss how the Story of the Bible started as oral traditions in a primarily oral culture and over centuries made it to the written form we have today. With so many steps along the way - can we be certain of its credibility and trust that it's not...
Feb 8, 2021
What is the Bible anyway? The Bible is something God intended us to understand - that doesn't mean there isn't some mystery to it now and then. This week the guys continue the Bible Basics series by offering answers for what the Bible is and what it...
Feb 1, 2021
So why do we view all 66 books of the Bible as God's Word? What does it mean for Scripture to be "God-breathed"? This week the guys continue to search the Bible for what it means for Scripture to be the inspired and authoritative words of God.