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Jun 26, 2023

In part two of our bad press miniseries: How should Christians respond to bad press about the brothers and sisters in the faith who are doing wrong? How do we persevere through bad press without growing weary? Can you love God and not love Christians?

Tune in this week to hear a perspective on how Christians can...

Jun 19, 2023

New office, new studio, new episode, same podcast!

This week the guys engage the important topic of bad press. How do we respond when Christians are on the receiving end of bad press for something they have done? What guiding principles do we have to deal with ‘The Media’ which often lies or at best paints...

Jun 12, 2023

This week the guys take a break in the action to present their review of the movie Jesus Revolution; a story of Christian Hippies and the church in the 70's at Calvary Chapel in California. What stands out? What resonates? And what flops? Tune in to find out if you should add this movie to your watch list for...

Jun 5, 2023

In previous episodes, Sam, John, and Ron delved into Augustine's doctrine of original sin and explored the Bible passages that either support or push against it. In today's episode, the guys summarize their findings and share their observations and convictions about original sin, and how the doctrine may have more to...

Jun 1, 2023

In today's episode, the guys return to Agustin’s treatment of Romans 5:12, then investigate passages promoting alternatives to the doctrine of original sin. Will we find strong anti-original sin verses or just a series of general statements and observations?

The Bible says all are put to death for their own sin, so...