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Feb 25, 2019

As their investigation continues, the guys turn their attention to the "when" of the Kingdom of God. What does it mean for a kingdom to exist in the "now and the not yet"?

Feb 18, 2019

With John still laid up from back surgery, the guys bring in a pinch hitter to fill the gap. GLCC's own Kate Blakely joins Ron and Sam to discuss the Kingdom from a more mission-minded, cross cultural perspective. Kate provides important insights to help translate the Kingdom into all cultures. 

Feb 11, 2019

Due to some recording complications, we take a break from our discussion of the Kingdom and share a podcast we recorded in December where we interview some graduates of GLCC to hear about their ministries and their memories. This episode features Jordan Kellicut, Adrienne Stratton, and Kelsey Bushong.

Feb 5, 2019

In this episode the guys continue to unpack the Kingdom of God, and try to describe it in such a way as to put flesh to a somewhat elusive concept.